Monday, March 15, 2010

"Capitalism is the Predatory Stage of Human Evolution"

Movie Monday

A late and short posting. I spent the day working on an information sheet for my community. It's working name is Moving Out/Moving In Information Sheet. Like its name says, it's here to help new residents entering and current residents leaving our community. Some advice includes: if you pay your Association fees by direct deposit be sure to stop this service when you leave. Oh, yes, people forget and the bank keeps cranking out those checks.

Thought I spend most of the day on this project, it started to flow into place pretty early. I spent the time working to get the right balance since I didn't want this to become an "Everything you want to know about Association living but didn't know where to ask." I wanted to leave them some reasons to go and talk with their neighbors.

I still have a long lead time to finish this project so I guess part of the reason for my spending the day on this is that I really have nada for Movie Monday.

I did see a good portion of I've Loved You So Long which is the English name of a French film. You know I'm a sucker for subtitles. It was worth watching just for the scene where the younger sister listens silently on the phone to the truth about her nephew's fatal illness while the her child, through subtitles, reads a fairy tale which mirrors the pain the woman is feeling. That was one of those magical moments.

But what I have really been sloughing my way through is Bram Stoker's Dracula in audio version. I read Stoker long ago but I don't remember his ironic humor. Like when Harker in his journal in eastern Europe reports he ate something and he must get the recipe for his finance, Minna. Oh, the silly man, is he going to get a very big surprise, very soon!

And then I'm still watching Twilight. I know, I know, I'm nuts. But I have weird reasons for watching movies. I feel bad that Catherine Hardwicke was "fired" after this movie. She made a damn good movie. Forget the acting (and really that wasn't dreadful) and concentrate on the story which is being told. She and her editor and her screenwriter have to get every viewer from A to Z with an understanding of what was going on in a story with a pretty absurd premise: teen girl may have a future with a vampire. But she does it.

Just like Edward says to Bella: I think I'm going to take you to meet my family, I think I'm going to explain just what I mean next Movie Monday. No, I won't punk out like I did with Towelhead (I never did a full review of that.)

See you next Monday. It's time to go find something in the fridge worth eating.

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