Monday, June 21, 2010

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings

Movie Monday

This will be a fast post since I spent the morning accompanying a friend to physical therapy, the kids will be home in a half hour and I have my needlework group tonight. No stress, at all.

I haven't posted Miss M in a while. Notice her brand new collar. She slipped out of the old one. She's just about to turn 5 months and is now on only breakfast and dinner meals and is still growing like a weed. She has calmed down considerably from the puppy stage. She seems to like New Moon however, especially the Volturi part which really spooks me.

On the right is Miss M on arrival day in March. What a big change! But still a lovely dog. There will not be a dry eye in the place when she leaves us for Service Dog training.

I don't have a movie to review this Monday since I haven't had the time to look at War Inc.

But I do have some good movie news. I will not be the chaperone at the advanced screening of Eclipse. (I was told it's not a preview.) Other arrangements have been made and I'm happy for two reasons: you have to get to the theater 2 and 1/2 hours before showtime. And, I have been re-reading Eclipse and that book is drek. I think there's a story there. I think there might even be a good story there; but Meyers isn't telling it. I will be amazed if they can get anything out of this book except horror shots. Do any people in this series ever talk like in real world phrases?

Got to go. I do have more to say, but no time.

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