Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Capitalism is the Predatory Stage of Human Evolution"

Website Wednesday

Today is late and short. I'm thinking about going on summer hours, whatever they are, but they sound like posting at random to me - like when I get the time. We'll see.

But for today, I have a J. D. Salinger site:

which contains 22 of his short stories.

Now Salinger is iconic probably because of Holden Caulfield. I won't assume everyone knows his book, The Catcher In The Rye but it probably was the first "teen" lit with a existential naturalistic flavor.

Of course, there has been teen lit for a long time: Booth Tarkington for sure. Probably even Twain's Tom Sawyer (Huck Finn is read much more deeply.) Then, of course, you had Nancy Drew, that teen detective and her lesbian friend, George.

Wikipedia has teen lit (or the politically correct YA) going back to Swiss Family Robinson in 1812.

But I think Salinger pushed and opened the envelope in teen lit. TCINR was gritty and also annoying. It opened up a whole new world to teens and YA has never looked back.

Take a long at Salinger at this website for another view of the author. These stories range 25 years from the 1940s to the 1960s. With Go See Eddie, I think I'm looking a pretty conventional short story writer. I think I may be able to take Salinger better in small doses.

See what you think.

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