Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

I think you're going to say: What the.........? when you see my choice for today. Yes, it's all about the theater, its history, selected monologues, and a very small selection of full length modern (last century and up) plays.

It is, however, a treasure trove of theater history and well worth the read and then the re-read because, when you think about it, humans have been dramatizing their lives since almost the beginning of time.

But I do think you deserve some background info on my thought process for this selection. It all started when President Obama spoke to the nation the other day after Standard and Poor's downgraded the USA credit rating from AAA

The money quote from that speech, that is the one copied around the world was something like: The USA will always be AAA.

And I thought: Jesus H. Christ. Here's the president of the USA addressing our nation which is on the brink of dire economic changes and his memorable line sounds like a coach rallying his football team in a smelly locker room.

Now, perhaps other parts of that speech were as eloquent as I had a dream or Ask not what your country can do for you........ but it really doesn't matter if you pepper it with even one inane quote as he did. That's the one which becomes the shot heard around the world.

And that got me thinking: Words do matter. And what better place to understand the staying power and the carrying power of words but in the theater.

So start with the essay on the Egyptian "Passion" Plays under Ancient Theater and travel up to modern times. The essays are short but you're on the Internet so you have the world's largest reference book at hand for more research if you want.

A lot of humans used and use words very well. Enjoy this site.

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