Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Thoughts on Tuesday

When I read yesterday (Huffington Post) that Obama considers himself the underdog in 2012, I nearly lost it. He's the underdog? Wow! And how could he have possibly gotten there? It reminds me of that classic defense when the boy who killed him mom and dad throws himself on the mercy of the court as an orphan.

I remember vividly the angst I felt almost three years ago to the day when the presidential election was a month away and specter of a McCain/Palin victory was still a possibility. Of course, I didn't know until well after the election that the Democrats knew from polling that by October 2008 they had captured the presidency. So, I dutifully donated even more money that October for as my husband said: How will we feel if we don't donate more and he loses?

He should have said: How will we feel if we do donate more and he wins?

During the Bush/Kerry election cycle, I spent so much time waiting for Kerry to respond to accusations. For example: he got "swiftboated" and didn't mount a vigorous denial and counter-offensive. So I said: Well, it's summer. The news cycle is dormant during the summer. Wait until after Labor Day. Then Labor Day passed and I said: Well, voters have short memories. He's going to mount a blitzkrieg publicity offensive in October. I guess we all know how that election turned out.

I was excited when Obama got elected. I thought his election night speech was electric. But it didn't take me long to realize he was great with speeches but even greater with appeasement. And I mean appeasement, not compromise. Whether it was his insane belief that he could work with the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and achieve a health plan beneficial to the average American, or his "making nice" with a Republican congress both before and after the 210 mid-term elections while looking for a payback, or his bluster speech to Israel telling them it was about time they got serious about Middle East peace; when things got tough and push-back was needed, he bailed.

His recent speech before gay rights groups where he condemned the booing of a gay soldier at the Republican event was an easy pot-shot at his opponents. That didn't take any balls.

Making a lightening visit to the Occupy Wall Street protesters, shaking some hands and saying he understands their problems would have been ballsy. Of course, it didn't and wouldn't happen.

So Obama will just keep lamenting his hard road to reelection. Bemoaning that the progressive base of his party just doesn't understand him or is just too radical to have its views considered. Never understanding that when you lead with the personality of a golden retriever all you get is your belly rubbed and a ball to chase.

What a pity. Not for Obama, but for any hope this country had that Americans, other than the rich, would have a representative government.

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