Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
I guess I am more of an optimist than a nihilist because if I were the latter I would just say: Dumb-as-a-board American voters deserve Romney. I would listen to my mother's recount of her friends' blasting Biden for laughing at Ryan during the debate (And just who the fuck is this Ryan except a dip-shit acolyte of the now-departed, bat-shit crazy, pseudo-philosopher, Ayn Rand?) and think: Sure, let Romney get in and gut their commie-socialist programs like Medicare and Social Security. Serves them right.
But deep under the layers of cynicism which guard my soul, there must be strands of hope because I don't want a Republican president nor Congress. I don't want a gutting of the few social programs we enjoy (How do you like going back to work at 80, Granny?) nor the hammering of women back into a Taliban-West mode of living when decisions about their bodies are once again controlled by the sex-obsessed right wing government.
Maybe we are just a nation of stupid, wanna-be jocks who can remember the plots of reality shows but not recite any article from the Bill of Rights, except Article II of course. Maybe our species is just a more sophisticated, but essentially totally feral mammal. Maybe given speech, dogs would also look at their human masters and say: Fuck you.
But I gotta hope that we, as a species, are making baby steps towards active compassion and logical thinking so that perhaps eons from now when those aliens from far off planets (which, if we watch the Sci-Fi channel, we know are observing us) will make a fly-by, look down on earth and say: Hey, these guys might be worth saving.
This website is an oldie, but with a new twist:
It's the 2006 Chinese artists' painting: Famous People Painting - Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante where you click on each person for a Wikipedia bio. It's a good way to get instant history and while Wikipedia should not be the "most trusted name" in information, I think their entries are much better than they once were.
Be sure to scroll down to the this link: **NEW**The Most Evil and Good People in History, at:
Here, a lot of the faces were unfamiliar to me. Once again, you're taken to Wikipedia to be enlightened.
Not a painting this time, but pictures from the past with captions to help place them. As you know, I'm fascinated by pictures from the past. After you scroll through this page be sure to click the top links. A sampling of what you get: The aftermath of a snowball fight at Princeton U. from 1893; Joseph Goebbels' wedding with Hitler as best man; photo shopping from Stalin's regime. Fascinating stuff, here.
That's it for today. See you next Wednesday.
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