Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday

It's interesting that on the 10th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, news shows and headlines are blasting out the amount of money squandered there but not reporting to whom these monies went. You know, all of those who became very, very rich during this horror. The impression is given that a sewer manhole was raised and, for 10 years, the government just poured billions of dollars into it. Like our government went to munitions makers and said: Hey, we're starting a war and we would like a huge donation of tanks, weapons, ammo......

Unless the US has huge, secret, hidden, government factories, US officials went to private companies for war supplies. The monies our government squandered during this conflict made many people very rich and very happy. Good investigative reporters would be out following this money trail. That's the story which should be hammered into the psyche of the patriotic, flag-waving American citizen.

So know now, you men who build things that kill,
So know now, those who beat my free will,
So know now, all who hear this now,
They'll wear a mask of virtue, and take many bows.

(MiniMandaRuth, My poem for war profiteers from a soldier., 12/30/05 )

OK, let's segue gently into my website picks and start with: 

which is a short interview with actor, Stellan Skarsgard (Don't recall his acting credits? Well, he's also dad to Alexander (True Blood) Skarsgaard.) I liked what Skarsgard said about paying taxes: Of course. If you make a lot of money like I do you should pay higher taxes. Everybody should have the possibility to go to school, and university, and have good healthcare. It's the same as what uber-rich J.R. Rowlings said in another interview. Refreshing, and encouraging.

But be sure to click about The Talks (A-Z Directory) and read a lot of interesting, short interviews with celebrities you may know, or not. The interviewer asks some thoughtful questions. 
Now, on to:

I'm creative but I'm not artistic. I create wearable garments, arrange furniture innovatively, turn out pithy phrases at times and dress monochromatically. I hope I'm clever, and creative, and interesting, most of the time. At 123inspiration, you get a lot of interesting, clever, creative sites but also some really artistic ones. People who can make that leap into art. Click around to see what I mean. It's worth it.

OK, now this site comes with a question:

These are libraries of the rich and famous; you know, my favorite people. Scroll through them and then ask yourself the question: In which library(s) would I like to read? That is: Where would I be most comfortable opening a book? I picked more than one though I could whittle it down to just one favorite. Oh, and don't let the comfortable/non-comfortable chairs be a factor. Just assume you'll be able to drag your coziest reading chair in there with you. After all, what good is a fantasy if you can't fantasize?

Oh, and if you click Trailers on top, you get to see book trailers. That's a new one for me. Check it out.

And finally,

I'm sure I've used Buzz Feed before but some of these pictures just made me smile (like the first one.) These pictures are interesting, cute, and probably hokey to some of you (and me, most times) but after a week of dank weather, let's have some sunshine. Even if you've been to Buzz Feed before, click around. It stays current though probably not for office viewing.

That's it for today. See you next week. 

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