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Website Wednesday
I have to be here and there early this morning so let me get right to my picks for today.
5 weird things I did in high school. Did you do any of them? Well, she does say that they were weird.
Check out the rest of the Thought Catalog since there are a lot of current, young topics running there:
It says its ideals are: 1.Thought Catalog is fun, smart, and creative. 2.The site is well-designed and clutter-free. 3.TC contributors are diverse. They’re at the vanguard of their respective fields, they’re students, they’ve been published everywhere from The Paris Review to Maxim. 4.We’re nobrow and nonpartisan. We don’t take any of this or ourselves too seriously. Culture is our politics. 5. Reading Thought Catalog will probably make you more interesting. You’re going to discover stories, ideas, and voices here that you won’t find in the mainstream media. 6.We’re about today. But our mission is also archival. We plan on sticking around for a longtime. 7.Our content is always vetted and (most of the time) edited. 8.We’re generous. We’re positive. We’re friendly. We prefer to focus on the good than the bad. We’re more celebratory than critical. 9 Important conversations happen here. 10.In a small way, you’re supporting the future of journalism.
You decide. Depending on the staidness of your workplace, check it out for the first time away from there.
I like the above page on The Global Intelligencer since usually when pictures such as these are run you only get the first one with a caption like: Birds in Flight and you think, WTF, all I see is a sea of black? TGI "walks you through" each pic so if you're looking at birds, you'll finally see them.
Be sure to explore the rest of TGI at:
They definitely have a POV, with which I can't argue: And what about the millions of people around the world who urgently feel the need to develop a more sanely balanced way of living? How do they learn about other individuals forging new and sustainable methodologies in science, economics, health, social services, alternative energy, education, agriculture, business and the arts?....The Global Intelligencer is one small piece of the puzzle. Its mission is to serve as an information clearinghouse for topics concerning individual, social and global transformation, making it available on a monthly basis to a maximum number of people worldwide.
A lot of good stuff here. And, who could not love a site which has the World Toilet Association's environmental recommendations.
I've picked Mental Floss before but I happen to like Stephen Fry and here are some of his pithy quotes. We all tend of see the humans playing characters in TV/movies as only a digital beings. It's good to read that they think beyond the script.
Again, I've used Buzz Feed before but I liked this page which shows the first painting of 14 famous artists. In many you see the future works, but Dali? Maybe it was before he grew that extremely silly mustache.
OK, let me end with a guy and a gal site. Not being a guy, I'm just guessing about the likability of this site:
Click on Browse by Categories and The Library (for How-to Guides.) I can't say that I approve of "15 ways to successfully cheat on your girlfriend." since, from the comments, it's not a humorous piece. But then girls cheat on boyfriends; I just don't think they've developed a guide for that yet.
My girls pick is :
I came to XOjane through this page:
which has an interesting story about a 1960s? Texas mom who aided abused women long before that problem was anywhere near the radar. I doubly liked the story because the mom's husband was a good guy. So many of these stories say: And being abused herself, she decided to help others.......
Yes, XOjane has your usual girlie stuff, clothes, beauty, sex/love, etc. but with a twisty headlines: I Had An Ovarian Torsion This Weekend, Which Is Exactly As Much Fun As It Sounds or Today Is National Proposal Day So Let's Celebrate By Looking At This Mortifying Email I Once Sent Asking A Guy To Propose To Me.
And be sure to click on Jane's stuff where you learn what stuff she couldn't get people to write about each week. I'm not explaining any more; you'll find out.
Again, sorry about my guy site pick, especially if you don't like it. To me, XOjane is so much more interesting. But then, I'm a girl, which probably explains my difficulty in picking good guy sites.
Enjoy. See you next week.
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