Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

I get the true meaning of "bone tired" now and it's not a good bone tired like "Oh, I'm bone tired but did I get a lot accomplished today." but more like: "My bones ache getting into bed at night and still ache the next morning." But I am finding a lot of ways to make pasta so life still has some meaning. Putting Movie Monday on hiatus for a while is helping time-wise and I have been watching snip-its of Scoop (later Woody Allen) when I can, so all is not lost.

What is most surprising me is that for some wacky reason, I have no desire to write about politics. In fact, the crazy, greedy antics of so many of my species just bemuse me lately. I can't believe I have moved beyond the indignation towards the self-destructive, hypocritical nature of man. Maybe that's also only on hiatus, like Movie Monday. We'll see.

OK, maybe the indignation is not dead because you have to take a look at this:

This is San Simeon, the once private residence of William Randolph Heart (the Citizen Kane of that famous Welles movie) which is now part of the CA park system. What an unspeakable obscenity! As that late-great Ozymandias once intoned: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

But there is joy in the world and nothing proclaims it like pictures of animals:

Be sure to click on individual animals for full screen pictures. 

I can't believe that I haven't linked to One Big Photo before; it's a treasure trove. And don't forget to go to its main site:

and scroll through all the Categories listed there.

And now for some "light" reading at Classic Reader:

Well, I lied about the "light" part but this is an excellent site to bookmark. It contains scores of public domain books from assorted categories (how can categories not be assorted?), though I think the Young Readers choices may just draw hoots of laughter today. While there are many public domain book sites on the web, this one is special because the font is very readable and the books are divided into chapters, making for easy "pick up and put down" reading. I'm even thinking about starting Adam Bede by Eliot which is kind of spooky. You get your best selections in Fiction and Young Readers and the site hasn't been active since 2010. But, hey, public domain books have been "dead" a long time and they're still worth the read, or re-read. Take a look.

That's for today. See you next week.


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