Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday

I'm finding that my days are getting into a routine and, although routine is a word I try to walk away from, the advantage is a lot of pockets of time for knitting. and reading Robert Caro's first volume of LBJ's biography, The Path to Power.  As you know, I hate the modern bio slant of "You Are There" with something like: Washington awakened to a cloudy, cold morning as he gazed across the river......... Caro replaces that phoney touch with "let me explain to you what it was like for the people in this biography to be in this certain place/time." (and I'll use primary sources as references.) He draws you into the story and the setting without that folksiness I so dislike. I've always enjoyed listening to Caro during his hours-long interviews on CSPAN; his writing does not disappoint either.

Off the wall, wacky, eclectic? I think my picks are different this week. You decide.

The House of Turquoise! You must be thinking: Has this woman gone mad? But blogger, Erin, is obsessed with turquoise and I admire people with passions. It's an interior design site with the emphasis on all things in the turquoise-related color family. I used to tell the kids to look for the red in all paintings because almost all the time, you'll find it. Erin looks for the turquoise. I didn't realize that this color makes for "popping" accent pieces. I also didn't realize that I have a turquoise side chair in my house. A lot of pictures of pretty interiors, chatty posts and some pictures of dogs.

If you have a quirky or creative spin to your personality, take a look at:

because you won't see a "flat-packed urinal composing straw bales for outdoor events" everyday. Be sure to look around this site for  many furnishings, household objects, and interior designs which will have you saying: Wow! or What a neat idea! I can do that.

Now, if you want to test your geography skills, go to:

The first test is easy: World Cities. You get to click on the area of the globe where you think the city is and they get to tell you how wrong you are.  When I failed this test (I was 1801km from Sydney, Australia) I hit "Done" and worked my way to this site:

You can create your own trip slide show for this site or just click on the zillion of slideshows presented here for views from around the world without leaving the comforts of home and, no packing necessary.

OK, just fun at:

You try to hit five sheep with tranquillizer darts before they escape. My score was Ambling Armadillo, not great. 

And finally:

A lot of reading with Gizmodo but it's worth the time. Here are some examples of their topics: Texting People Who Leave Their Numbers Public Is Awful and Great and Cities Are the Future of Human Evolution. You won't be bored and, they have pictures.

That's it for today. See you next week.

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