Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the Kings
Tax the Rich 

Website Wednesday 

I have nothing! I carefully selected interesting (well, I thought so) picks for today and e-mailed them from another computer but the computer mailman has not delivered them! Bummer! It's much too early to call Sherlock Holmes in on the case so I'm going to do something entirely different today. I'm going to lead you through my early morning on the web. Here's what I read every morning. Hope you don't get bored. First, I get the coffee.

Then I visit is The Huffington Post: 

Which since its merger with AOL has many headlines leaning heavily towards tabloid sensationalism and many worthless articles.

Next stop is Ravelry:  

where, on a good day, with a lot of interesting postings, I could spend a mother lode of time. However, Ravelry has always had an uncomfortable group of members who see themselves as the morality police. For example, they are sticklers for copyright laws though I think most don't really understand them.

Then I'll visit "smaller" liberal/progressive blogs:

presents some of the best liberal writing around and some of his sentences are jut museum quality. Though I'm sad that his real-world life interferes with the quantity of his writing.  

I also have a list of many other liberal blogs but I'll single out: 

I always come away from Alternet depressed but informed. These articles are long reads but very worthwhile and their contributers call them like they see them so Obama comes in for criticism often.

If I have the time (I usually reserve an early Saturday morning for this), I'll go to a game site:

The Gamershood's forum is a good example of a game site with variety though I only head for the Room Escape games. And if I really want a challenge, I'll head for the Melting-Mind room/house/asylum escape games which can be found here or at:

All these games are formulaic with the best of them having you use logic and the worst of them leaving you to luck.

So that's my early morning internet life.

See you next week with, I hope, the picks which are now "lost in the mail."

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