Thursday, October 17, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich

Thoughts on Thursday or What Happened to Website Wednesday 

OK, here's my excuse note, teach: The hospice nurse came early yesterday but I had good intentions of posting later in the day. However I got real busy and also Miss A., who went away for the weekend and fell in love with another Seeing Eye pup, Mr. O., has been moping all week and needs huge reassurances that she will see him again (at puppy meetings) or she just lays in the sun away from every one and sighs.

But Cory Booker will be our next senator from NJ. People say that it's scary that spooky Steve Lonegan came in at 44% to Booker's 54% but this is sub rosa racist NJ where touting an Obama bumper sticker  in '08 and '12 was risky business at times. And the country did not go into default though it's obvious that the tea baggers are hopping mad that they were not allowed to blackmail their opponents into submission (repeal "Obamacare" or we won't vote to raise the debt ceiling) and they still are bat-shit stupid as to how representative government is supposed to work. But I do have some picks for you.

Here's a thinking site:

Apparently Oprah dissed atheists (I don't think they are in her "got-to-be-nice-to" demographic) and because of this we get an insightful article on anti-atheist prejudice we non-god believers get all the time. Don't forget to read the comments; the majority of the ones I read were quite thoughtful. Cruising around Psychology Today isn't a bad idea either.

This site took a long time to load so I recommend it with reservations: 

However, good stuff to read and see here if you have the patience.

I wanna be a teacher:

Well, I am a teacher. I wanna go back to work! There are some really neat discounts for teachers listed here. And click around for discounts for the rest of us mere mortals.

And now just one more because tomorrow is Knitting Friday and I have to get ready: 

Is this the Discovery Channel site? Don't know but many of the items are correct so I'm going to trust the science till someone cries: Foul. (OK, they have an article on Jesus being a Roman government invention and that raised some yelling.) Take a look. This site seems like a good way to get some fast facts.

That's it. See you next week. Hope to have Website Wednesday back on its right day then.


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