Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich

Website Wednesday: Wait for It..........It's Here! 

OK, it's early Wednesday and I'm ready to post before a busy day but..... it ain't going to happen. For the second time in a week, my website picks which I know are listed under the Sent Items in another computer way in the far reaches of the house do not appear in the mailbox on this early morning computer on my sloppy desk where I type in my pj's before starting my day. DRAT! Now there's a word you don't hear much. Oh well, I'm not despairing nor waiting till tomorrow. When I get to my "bad" mailbox in a few hours, I'll just post Website Wednesday then. Oh, I have become so sanguine!

Now I'm at the "bad" computer and sure enough, here are my website picks e-mail for today. 

But before I list them, here's something I wrote after the special Senate election in NJ last Wednesday but never posted: 

Cory Booker was elected to the Senate from NJ this Wednesday (Yes, on Wednesday. Our Gov did everything he could to distance his November election [hope not] from the popular Democratic Booker. He spent $12M to move it it to a "special day", Wednesday, in October and still NJ voted soundly for Booker. OK, a Yahoo was running against him but, hey guys, this is Jersey and electing a black Senator (one of only two among 100) isn't exactly on our "claim to fame" wish list. Now, if a local baton twirling team had made nationals............

Booker has promised to reform our prison system. He had me before; he sealed my vote with that.

On to the picks:

This one is a treasure. "Scout" scouts movie locations in NY and then posts pictures of the sites on his blog. What a trip back into the past, and present. Interesting blog to read, great for the visuals alone. Be sure to click "Favorites."

(Hour with hospice nurse, back again.)

Neatorama is just a neat site especially in the Halloween season (which seems to extend for as long as the Xmas selling season these days.) It says of itself:  Neatorama is the neat side of the Web. We bring you the neatest, weirdest, and most wonderful stuff from all over the Web every day. Maybe not for office viewing but a lot of fun here.

OK, I am really, really trying to lose weight even as I gobble up all the comfort food around me. While in my present circumstances I may not be a poster child for healthy eating and activities, I like to read this site for inspiration:

For me, it's a good source of encouragement. What do you think?

And staying with food: what do 200 calories look like? Take a look:

A slide show which makes you think.

And in keeping with a light Website Wednesday, let me end with:

It may be old-fashioned but for those of us who still type messages, here are all the emoticons you'll ever need.
That's it. Time to think about lunch for my patient. I hate blogging in the late morning with all the interruptions. Give me the wee hours of the morning every time. See you next week.

Note: Sorry for the different fonts/sizes. As usual, I see no easy fix for this.

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