Friday, November 21, 2008

Knitting Friday

I thought I would reprint the reviews of two knitting books I wrote for Amazon. I try to write pretty detailed reviews for Amazon because I know its reputation of having gushy ("You must buy this book." or "I have never written such a clear, concise book on ----") positive reviews written by FOAs (Friends/Fans of the Author.)

In fact, I got involved in a controversy over one such review once as a free speech issue. It seems that among all the positive reviews (and the author did admit to me that these were written by friends/fans) listed for a book, there was one scathing review. At least the author's friends thought it was and started a campaign of protesting to Amazon. They got the bad review removed.

To Amazon's credit, they responded immediately to my e-mail complaining about the censorship asking me for all the particulars. I never did find out if they would have re-examined the negative review and re-posted it because I didn't follow through.

By then, I was in e-mail communication with the author (a very nice person) of the book and once she and I had discussed the free speech issue of the situation, I didn't think it merited carrying it to the "official" level with Amazon.

That said, here are my two reviews:

Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns - no author or editor listed
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Sterling (August 1, 2005)

First, a word of warning: the patterns have no selvage (border) stitches. You jump right into the pattern.

I gave this book five stars because:
1) It has a Contents and Index page.
2) It has written instructions for each pattern with include any out-of -the-ordinary instructions (ex. 4-st left cross.)
3) It has chart instructions for each pattern. This is an excellent way for someone new to charts to get started.
4) All the patterns list the stitch multiples needed for different sizes. This is so much better than "CO 52 sts."
5)Every pattern is accompanied by a clear colored picture.
6) There is a large variety of patterns.

This is an excellent buy for the beginner knitter or the experienced one who may be looking for a special stitch for a garment.

Shawls Two On the go! - no author or editor listed
(Note: Vogue is mentioned prominently in the title on Amazon. An editor is also listed. However, the copy they sent me has neither Vogue nor an editor listed.)
Hardcover: 96 pages
Publisher: Sixth&Spring Books (September 2, 2008)

I really enjoy this little book. Its size makes it portable and it contains a diversity of patterns to interest the new to experienced knitter. You have lace, short rows, cable, drop-stitch, garter patterns, etc. from shawlettes to shawls in triangular and rectangular shapes. It is definitely not a book of the same pattern only in different colors and yarns.

I'm an experienced knitter so I was happy to count over 15 shawls listed in the Intermediate to Experienced Skills range. This is probably a book for new knitters to grow into though Midas Touch, Multi-Yarn Wrap, and Textured Shawl would be easy for them. Additionally, there are 9 pages of instructions ranging from needle and yarn weight charts to illustrations for stitches and procedures to help the new knitter.

Lace charts have always spooked me since some seem to go on forever. However, these charts are short, clear and easy to read with the stitch key explained in the pattern text. I didn't work any of the charts but, to the eye, they look error-free.

I've tried a lot of the pattern stitches for the shawls and they're interesting and error-free. However, when I started the Drop-Stitch Shawl,I did discover some confusion on Rows 13 & 15 which may bother a new knitter. The publisher does have an active Corrections page so I sent them an e-mail.

A worth-while buy.

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