Friday, November 14, 2008

Knitting Friday

The Nobel Prize Winning Knitting Tip

Well, this one is such to me though it might be as simple as “socks first, then shoes” to you.

I have always avoided this most simple lace pattern:
Row 1: K
Row 2: K, *yo, K2tog*, K
Row 3: K
Row 4: K, *ssk, yo*, K

Why, you ask? Because I can never tell if I'm on the Row 2 or Row 4 YO row. I mix them up all the time.

Those two rows are important because with only a Row 2, the Knit 1, YO lace effect would only occur on one side of the row. The other side would have a Knit 2 edge and would be thicker. Also, if you are knitting on the diagonal - as I often do - your bias would be so pronounced, that the garment might be unwearable, without these two rows.

Most of the time with this type of row (what I call the pattern row) you can tie a colored yarn to that side to differentiate it and use a counter. But in this pattern, all the colored yarn tells you is that the row is a YO row and you need more information than that. Also, while a counter would work, it's cumbersome for just four rows.

The epiphany came yesterday:
1: Cut a long, thin piece of yarn for a marker. Made a loop in the middle and make sure you have long tails.
2. At the beginning of Row 1 - two or three stitches in - put the marker with only the loop facing you. The long tails will be facing the Row 2 side.
3: Knit across for Row 1 and turn.
4. Looking at Row 2 (your *YO, K2tog* row), you’ll see the long tails at the end of the row. This tells you this is Row 2.
5. Work to the end of the row but when you come to the marker turn it so only the loop is facing you;
the tails will now show on the Row 3 side. Move the marker to the right needle this way. Finish the row and turn.
6. Knit across for Row 3, moving the marker, as is, to the right needle. Turn.
7. Now, Row 4 is facing you. You'll see the marker at the end of the row and since you only see the loop on this side you know that this is Row 4, your *SSK, YO* row.
8. Work across Row 4 and when you come to the marker turn it so the tails now face you. Then move it this way to the right needle. Finish the row and turn.
8: Continue in pattern, moving the marker along as you go, turning it so the tails show on Row 2 and only the loop shows on Row 4.
9. Also, tie a colored yarn to the body of your work to show on the Row 2/Row 4 side and you’ll know every time you’re on a YO row.

It’s that simple. Just remember to keep moving the long tails or the loop to the correct side each time.

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