Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Website Wednesday

Being back at a computer which has a working sound system, it seems fitting that my website for this Wednesday is:

which is so sound intensive.

TED which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design started in 1984 as conferences to bring together people from those three disciplines for talks and discussions.

It still exists as real world conferences but by clicking on Themes A-Z on their web page you get a list of 38 categories of talks for you to listen to at your computer. Click on any category and you get an extensive list of top thinkers talking about their interests.

For example, click “How the Mind Works” for talks from Doris Kearns Goodwin, Stephen Hawkings, Dan Dennett and Al Gore to name only a few.

Talks seem to run 5 to 30 minutes and each speaker’s page has a short biography and links of interest.

This is a treasure trove of knowledge: important knowledge but not presented pedantically.


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