Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Website Wednesday

Their mission statement: to provide the “highest quality domestic oriented content.”

There are a blend of articles on topics you might find in Good Housekeeping, Popular Mechanics, Apartment Living, Martha Stewart, the Red Cross Manual - you can see the pattern.

Some the articles are: In Homemaking, Space Creating Tips for Small Spaces; in Moving, Which Moving Company; in Cooking, Weird Food Art; in Do-It-Yourself, How to Sheet Rock.

I don't like their article on raising well-behaved children where they use the word "scorn" as a tool. They talk about punishment for a 5-year old who uses a "bad" word. I don't like that. Especially in light of the latest study which showed that until the age of 12, positive re-enforcement and not punishment is the best discipline. Apparently, until 12 the child's brain does not connect punishment as a deterrent for bad behavior. Younger, they want to please (positive re-enforcement) but punishment is associated with "I hate my parent." not "I should do better."

However, their apartment hunting checklist looks first-rate. Their five tips for living in small spaces is right on. They give important tips for winter driving. Having said that: I would not use their short article on how to build a foundation as my manual (and I don’t think they want you to) nor, as a parent, would I find some of the reasons listed for living on campus reassuring.

Most of the articles are very short and most are written in paragraph style. The ones which list the hints numerically are easier to read and, probably, to remember.

The contributor is hyperlinked with his/her article. Click there and you get to see all of the contributor's articles.

Two items of note: this site is filled with ad videos and most of their articles seem to be targeting a young adult audience.

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