Monday, November 17, 2008

Movie Monday

I don’t like James Bond movies. Nothing unusual there. I don’t like the uber-hero, the sexy broads, the fancy-dancy weaponry; the bon-mots coming from Bond. Although, I’m sure, to keep an audience today, the makers of these movies have added some PC touches: sexy broads with brains; angst on the part of James; a female M (was that his boss’ alphabet name?); a theme with strum und drang.

Whatever. We all have just so many heartbeats, just so many sunsets; should I waste mine on a James Bond movie.

Saying that: let me review Quantum of Solace based on its trailer.

A car is driving in the desert. Voice over: He’s a pretty cold bastard if he didn’t want revenge for someone he loves. This time, it may be personal with Bond. (Note: Could this be referring to Bond's wife who got killed in a much, much earlier George Lazenby movie?)

We learn that Bond and M are up against a big, secret organization which is trying to control the world’s most precious resource (you decide which one) and I think Bond’s unfinished business with a man (at whom he is pointing a gun) might have something to do with this organization and Bond’s desire for revenge.

And then we learn about a Dominic Greene who is of interest to Bond and M and has already began destabilizing the government. But apparently though Greene may be evil “You know who Greene is....” the good guys still need him “....and you want to put us in bed with him?” Oh, the lack of defined good and evil in our existential world.

Finally, the beautiful woman appears. “Careful with this one, Mr. Bond. She won’t go to bed with you unless you give her something she really wants.” I told you the “broads” had brains.

We learn that both she and Bond are damaged goods. She asks him if he has caught up with the person who took something from him. (See above.) Bond: Not yet. She: Tell me when you do, I’d like to know how it feels.” (Note: I think this dialogue should have ended before the woman’s line. This final zinger closes the arc and it should be left hanging.)

So we know there is some heavy psychological stuff brewing in this Bond. There are also car chases, lots of explosions, boats that fly into the air; men falling through glass ceilings. You know the drill.

What I expect from the trailer:
I expect the new Bond, darker and deeper, but never forgetting the faithful male, young audience out there which needs its feats of strength and daring.

While I dislike all the slickness (as with so many movies) and cringe at the brooding one-liners; it would pass the time. I see it in my future on cable TV.

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