Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Safety Of Your Car

It was an interesting day yesterday. It was the third time since I put an Obama '08 sticker on the rear bumper of my car that a driver behind me made his displeasure known.

All three times it's been male drivers. The first time, the day after Obama's convention speech someone pulled out from behind me, hit the horn and gave me "Thumbs Down."

The second time I was stopped at a light, windows up, when I noticed the guy pull up beside me and start screaming in my direction. It wasn't until he gave me the finger that I even realized him anger was directed at me.

Yesterday, again stopped at the light, a man behind me in a rather expensive-looking car, become apoplectic, shouting, pointing to my bumper, shouting, - you know the drill.

And, yes, I am a good driver and they were not commenting on my driving.

And so, you can have a Clinton sticker and a Kerry sticker without incident, but with an Obama bumper sticker you get three unpleasant reactions. Why is that I wonder?

However, being bullies, no one approaches me when I wear my Obama '08. I bet it bugs a lot of people and that's just fine with me.

I wear it formidably. I look like "don't hassle with me" when I walk. And I mean it. And they don't.

Bullies like the easy safety of their cars.

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