Friday, July 10, 2009

Knitting Friday

Last night I attended a 4 and ½ hour Board of Adjustment meeting in my town. The room was freezing, not cold, but freezing. I was cold in a jacket; others wearing only short sleeves, never even got up to the level of cold. I crocheted a lace shawl in wool yarn all evening. People around me were asking me to rush it so they could wear it. As the shawl widened, and after 4.5 hours it did, it began to feel great on my lap.

Our side did not prevail at the meeting. I didn’t think we would; the applicant was asking for only minor variances and they had money behind them to fight any Board denial. In today’s economy I can’t imagine an borough risking the cost of a lawsuit unless they knew they could win.

I could go on about how, last night, I realized the importance of the Republican discipline as fostered by Gingrich if you want to accomplish your agenda. (Our side was so loosey-goosey.) I could talk about how I felt there were two areas for appeal for our side: the historical significance of the building being demolished and the appearance of prejudice by the Board in allowing emotional yet irrelevant testimony by the applicant’s witnesses. (Testimony perfectly applicable for the end of the meeting when all interested parties could testify but I think [based on my Perry Mason] not admissible during the applicant’s formal presentation It had nothing to do with the points of the application.)

But let’s move on to Knitting Friday since that’s more fun and I can sleep knowing karma is a bitch.

Once again, I have no pictures. Sorry, but one project is still too small and the other is just about ready to come from the needles so I’ll wait on that.

All the Drops Design Fall patterns are linkable by now. I’m still working on this one:

I haven’t done short rows in a while and I had forgotten how much fun they are. Three suggestions for this pattern:

1. For the markers, use yarn and put one knot in marker 1 and two knots in marker 2. It makes life so much easier than having to remember: green is marker 1; red is marker 2.
2. Mark either the bottom or the top (neck) edge of the pattern. And remember which end you marked.
3. These instructions really messed me up. (I even had to draw a diagram.):
"Insert 2 markers in piece from RS as follows:"
When you are told to do this, you have knitted 4 rows and are at the bottom edge. Do not knit across the row as you insert the markers. This was my mistake. I assumed I was supposed to place the markers as I knitted the row. Not! Just count up the right number of stitches and place your markers; don't knit the row. You will then be ready to start your first short row from the bottom edge.

The rest seems very easy, at least as far as I am. It’s just a garter stitch short row sweater which seems to be knitted side to side. At this point, I have no idea if this pattern is going to look like the picture when finished. To be continued.

Drops Designs seems to have a lot of knitted skirts and shawls the size of blankets. Take a look:

I haven’t gotten as many patterns as usual from Knitting Pattern Central’s free updated patterns lately:

I think a lot of babies are being born in June and July since there are so many kid’s patterns. Kid’s patterns have always confused me. Blankets I get, even hats but kids’ clothes have such a short shelf life. I remember when the kids were very little trying to find enough times to wear those complicated sweaters I made. Then, when size became problematic, the next question was: do I save, frog or donate?

I do like their Spring Lace Shawl (this is a link to Lionbrand for which you must be registered (very easy to do):

This is a real novelty pattern in that’s US 17 needles with 4 strands of yarn but they do give you the stitch count so you can swatch for any size needles or yarn. It’s an 8 row lace pattern, 4 rows being purl. It looks more winter wear than spring, which is never a bad thing for me.

OK, I’m going to finish my white cotton Alix shawl now. I have less than 20 rows. So I’ll have a picture for next week. Happy knitting.

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