Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Website Wednesday

Some random thoughts:
  • I went back to an earlier WW recommendation, the one with annotated lists, and found it's still very interesting. Maybe one day I’ll revisit and reevaluate all my WW recommendations. That’s a task for a snowed-in day.
  • Reading the e-mails from Gov. Sanford to Maria (if they really written by Sanford, remember Cyrano de Bergerac?); that man is besotted with this woman. Talk about adolescent puppy love. And just like an adolescent, where ego reins supreme before adulthood cuts it down, Sanford probably sees absolutely no hypocrisy between his out-of-marriage tryst and all the others which he has condemned, The rest of us may see the hypocrisy, but not he. Right now, he’s emotionally about 13 years old.
  • I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the U.S. will institute a government run health care system like Western Europe. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that influential U.S. voices will begin to speak against our unbridled capitalistic greed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we will use capitalistic profits (that is, tax them) for social good. Of course, in many ways, such thinking is reminiscent of the dreams of a 13 year old also.

On to Website Wednesday:

What a name for a website: Dark Roasted Blend. No mistaking to what it’s referring. In fact it even says: Looking for the weird and wonderful things to complement your daily coffee ritual?

It further states on its “About” page: Started in November 2006 by Avi Abrams (based in Canada, formerly, it is now among the top 500 sites on Technorati, has PageRank 6 and welcomes approx. 50,000 daily unique visitors.

The "Dark Roasted Blend" is also a part of "Thrilling Wonder" family of sites, dedicated to the on-going quest for wisdom and beauty, for all things cool and wonderful in our world, and beyond - in the spiritual realm.

It really is one of those sites to turn to early in the a.m. when you fire up the computer, grab a cup of coffee and go to look for new e-mail.

It’s basically a visual site with cullings from other websites. Many of the pictures are annotated. It seems to be updated daily (except this month when Abrams says he’s traveling.)

It’s eye-candy; weird eye-candy but not in the gross sense. This week some selections are: turn of the last century medical ads; the evolution of space cruisers; and pictures from the 1945 atomic bomb survivors. I like the short comment by each hyperlink so before you click you know if it’s: weird, nature art, promotion, heartbreaking (A-bomb pictures.), etc. The archives go back to 2006.

So grab your coffee (FYI, I find Stop and Shop’s brand of Colombian Roast quite good and cheap) and take a look at the “weird and wonderful things” on Dark Roasted Blend.

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