Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sermon on Sunday

Probably those living under rocks in the U.S. don’t know that there was a huge political scandal in NJ this week involving rabbis, primarily low level state politicians, and human kidneys. No kidding. It really is the making for a classic joke set-up: 5 rabbis, 3 assemblymen and a human kidney walk into a bar……..

But leaving the chuckling aside, Charles Stiles in :

muses as to whether this scandal is the knock-out blow to Governor Corzine’s re-election. Apparently, outside of the rabbis and one Republican, the sting netted all Democratic politicians. But Chris Christie (the Republican gubernatorial candidate and former U.S. Attorney for the District of NJ) can deny * any political motivation for these arrests by saying: Hey, fellas, this was a sting to catch money launderers (the rabbis). I had no idea that it would lead to politicians (Did I mention they were Democratic politicians?) being caught up in the sting.

The whole scandal really isn’t the point of this posting. If Corzine hadn’t squandered so much of his four years in office he wouldn’t be standing on the precipice now.

This is about how once again the Democratic leadership refused to take the lead with the issue which the Republicans have molded into a club and beaten them over the head with. The issue is: No new taxes. In fact, let’s cut more taxes Republicans say. And the Democrats just run in circles crying: Oh no, we don’t want to raise your taxes either.

Jesus H. Christ. Get a backbone, fellas. Citizens have to pay taxes. That’s how roads get repaired, kids get educated, sick people get well. And if you want what we all seem to think is a “democracy” in this country, then the guys in the trophy homes and not the cashiers at Walmart have to pay more, not less, in taxes.

Stop shying away from collecting taxes. It’s like telling the kid he doesn’t have to brush his teeth, study, or exercise. It’s too late to start changing things when a stupid, fat, toothless adult is standing before you.

The time is now to tell Americans that taxes must be paid for the society to work. And then, and listen up guys, it’s time to tell them that you are going to come down hard on any and all government corruption. I probably wouldn’t recommend the draconian punishments China imposes on their corrupt officials, but I would be sending a bunch to Attica. And while you’re getting rid of Gitmo, nuke your Club Feds at the same time.

Americans have so often shown their penchant to listen to the loonies. All these wackos really have going for them is that they’re loud and persistent.

How about the “good guys” getting loud and persistent with constructive ideas. You might be surprised that America is ready to listen.

*He was accused of trying to torpedo Corzine in the last election –Christie wasn’t running then – by hinting of a possible indictment of NJ’s Democratic U.S. Senator Robert Menendez just before the election.

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