Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Capitalism - Feudalism without the King
Tax the Rich
Website Wednesday
Yesterday was a day of discovery for me and not in the good way. DM, after about two weeks into her hospice program, "sprouted" (that's really the only word for it; smooth skin one day and chaos starting on the next) vascular nodules on her arm. DH called it as a cancer immediately, I, however, disbelieved and daily cared for the large scab which formed with antibiotic, alcohol, zinc oxide and gauze - until yesterday that is. For it was then the good treatment I had applied for about two months caused the scab to loosen. But I was not not looking at the smooth red skin under a normal scab; I was looking at the same small vascular nodules we had started with and I knew that whatever palliative treatment I applied, I was looking at cancer. Which, without excision, was going to stay forever and grow. Soon after this discovery, the verdict regarding Bradley Manning was announced.
And then the metaphor hit me. There was Manning trying to inform the public about governmental misdeeds as courageous whistle blowers have through history and I trying to excise a cancer with daily palliative treatment. What I saw under the scab yesterday, what the jury said to Manning yesterday just confirms that cancers, like this skin carcinoma, like the tyranny of the US government, just don't go gentle into the night. Good intentions do not stop cancer's progress. Ironically, the US has one of the most aggressively publicized treatment programs in the world for human cancers. It's the national cancer we ignore until I'm afraid we, as a people, will be "strangled" within the center of a Gordian Knot and you remember what Alexander the Great had to do to untangle that bugger.

Just a few picks today:
Full Punch has a lot of dad and son pictures. A little late for Father's Day but many are touching; some funny; some sad. Many are obviously not spontaneous shots but all are worth the look. (Full Punch was a 12/2012 pick.)

I'm going to pick another past pick with Flavor Wire (3/2012) because I have always been fascinated as to why people become actors:

OK, I get the early Greek dramas like Antigone, The Birds or Oedipus. They were holding a mirror up for humans to judge their lives and world. But Iron Man 3, Police Academy CCCXXX? It's interesting to read the self-deprecation from actors. Almost all the successful ones know that they are very lucky.
And finally:
60 examples of graffiti art. How more anti-establishment can you get? These look like all out-of-the-USA graffiti since probably in the US, graffiti = vandalism and this might net you more jail time than illegal (is there such a thing anymore?) gun possession. Be sure to click the links in comments for more graffiti. Interesting stuff, interesting visions.

That's it for this week. See you next Wednesday.


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