Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh, What Big Problems Google Causes

Finally, I got on and wended my way to a discussion of Google’s a huge problem of labeling innocent blogs as spam.

Some of the stories are so frustrating - the blogger who didn’t put one word in his new blog and it's labeled spam or a blank, new blog which is going to be used for a new restaurant's menus is labeled spam.

I went in and read some of these "spam" blogs and if Google is using an algorithm which looks for offending words and phrases that can indicate spam, then the bottom of the math class must have prepared this algorithm.

The second biggest complaint from these bloggers is the lack of a human voice at Google since they only receive automated responses.

But the kicker is: once labeled spam and then "cleared", you can log on your blog the next time and BAM you're back in the spam hole.

And from Google's corporate page it looks like most of its top management is American. What a sad state for American ingenuity.

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