Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On God

I wanted to talk with someone who believes in God and ask him how he could give God a pass on all the bad things that happen in the world and praise God for every good thing which happens.

It’s like saying to your kid: “Kid, you burned down the house but that’s ok, we will be stronger from this experience and learn to live a better life.”

The level of absurdity in this argument boggles the mind. And, please don’t give me the argument that belief in God is comforting and gets you through the dark night.

I’m told that there are illegal drugs that will do the same thing.

And don’t tell me that illegal drugs cause harm.

What about all the wars, genocides, natural disasters, etc. on God’s watch?

Oh, that’s right. He’s not responsible for the bad stuff.

I guess I won’t talk with someone who believes in God after all.

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