Tuesday, October 7, 2008

On Being Silenced

This was not to be the posting today. However, when I got to my blog early this morning I found this page "Possible Blogger Terms of Service Violations" which announced to the web world that my blog was under review.

It turns out that my blog has been tagged as spam. What nonsense!

I had thought that some troll was going to make trouble since I will be publishing political thoughts from time to time. However, I didn't think "And so I blog. Counting the days to discover if this country, the United States of America, can put aside primal prejudice to elect a mixed race candidate.” from my first entry would trigger such a reaction.

I was naive.

A few hours ago, I was told that I couldn't publish until I was reviewed but it seems the situation has changed slightly. I can publish but I must enter a "Word Verification" to prove I am a human.

Google owns this service and they set the rules. I expected the inconvenience of trolls but I didn’t' appreciate the announcement to the web world that I am a possible miscreant.

So I guess we should all beware. Standing up for your opinions can be a dangerous task in the U.S.A. today.

And now, I will try to decipher the word verification and get this posted.

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