Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vote Obama

This week I learned a few things.

I learned Republicans were willing to turn a despicable page which leads to hate-filled race relations.

I saw this happen again and again at their rallies.

However, beyond the fat, white man having the monkey doll with a Barack Obama headband at a Republican rally, or Sarah Palin getting approval from her rally when she told them the Obama was not the type of American they were, or the reminder with calls of "Kill him", "Traitor", "Arab", “Terrorist”, etc. at Republican rallies that a descent into violence is very near; there was something more troubling I learned about John McCain this week.

During a rally a white, elderly man was complaining about the Democrats and McCain interrupted him. The man told him firmly "I'm not finished yet." and McCain embarrassingly countered with the shtick "Well, excuse me!"

It was obvious to me that McCain had lost control of the mob he had created. More proof of this: when he feebly attempts to call Barack Obama a good man and gets booed.

Before that moment, I didn't like John McCain for many political and philosophical reasons.

After that moment, differences aside, I knew he lacked the authority, the gravitas, needed in a leader.

He could not control his mob.

He had become a cheerleader of hate and he could not get the genie back into the bottle. That's the appalling thing which happens when people are incited to hate.

McCain could not lead them. He cannot lead this country.

For your sake and for the sake of all you hold dear: vote Obama.

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