Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Website Wednesday

Each Wednesday, I’ll recommend a website which I found interesting and others might also.

This Wednesday, the website is from the Canadian Museum of Nature:

Click the icons for the different classifications: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Fish, etc. and you’ll be taken to an alphabetical list of the different species within that classification.

A click on the species will take you to a dedicated page for that species, (for example: click Birds and then Blue Jay), where you’ll find:
A skillful line drawing of the species,
a map of the world showing where the species resides,
a short written section on the species and a
more color images of the species.

These pages are very well arranged and highly linked so you can navigate around to different areas without going back to the home page each time. Spend time clicking around and you'll find a lot of interesting stuff.

This would be a great site for school projects or for anyone wanting to learn about nature. For children, the reading level is upper grade school. The site was updated on October 14, 2008 so it's probably kept up-to-date and it's available in English and French.

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