Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When Does This End?

Should I blog normally when my blog is still under review from Google for being possible spam?

Unlike the protagonist of Kafka's The Trial (which was on TCM yesterday), I do know the charges but that's all I know.

The e-mail Google sent to alert me of the review stated "We find spam by using an automated classifier. Automatic spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and occasionally a blog like yours is flagged incorrectly" ("Fuzzy"? What a weird word to use? Did they mean fuzzy logic?)

People tell me that they can use an algorithm which looks for offending words and phrases that can indicate spam.

In various postings I used the words: buy, economy, yarn, you, help, go, now.

So did the algorithm put it all together and get: “You go buy yarn now. Help economy.” That must sound like spam to any reasonable (but fuzzy) automatic spam detection system.

However, I think I’m going with my theory based on reading too many blogs with comments from trolls.

I wrote something that triggered a Google Alert to some tracker. All he/she had to do was get on my site and flag it.

Here are the choices they would have:
Copyright/Piracy issues
Hate or violence
I need to contact another user
Someone is posting my private information
I think someone else is using my account

It’s so easy to flag a blog that offends you.

It really was nothing personal.

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